Event Planning Guide
When it comes to staging an event with entertainment, early decisions and planning can have a lot to do with your ultimate success or failure. Event planning can be quite complex, without a roadmap it is easy to get lost or sidetracked. Even experienced planners can overlook some details.
This booklet will help you focus on those troublesome areas and offer insight and solutions. It will help you organize the ten most important things that must happen to have a successful event with entertainment. You will find checklists that you may copy and use for your own purposes.
Perfect Presentations was written by Fred Becker a successful speaker and entertainer who has thousands of presentations under his belt. The information here comes from someone in the trenches, fighting to make each event that he is hired as perfect as possible. Understanding what the performer needs to do his or her best work will greatly help you have the success you desire.
If this is your first time as an event coordinator this should really open your eyes. If you have been arranging events for years this booklet will help keep you on track and perhaps see a new slant on problem areas.
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